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Black Women Activists: The Most Influential Black Women In History
Amidst the chaos of the past two years, more and more people are finally beginning to face the full extent of systemic racism. Black women in history, however, are evidently well-versed in the realm of activism, empowerment, racism, and sexism — sans the black square photos on IG. Black Women activists over the ages sparked protests, marches, vigils while taking the much-deserved title of Black female role models we should all be admiring.
Long before Michelle Obama or Serena Williams was on a mission to break stereotypes, the first influential Black women in history aspire to change, shaping society what it is today. There is ample evidence that by remembering significant Black figures and educating ourselves on Black women activists, future generations will get the opportunity to understand the collective and protracted struggle we all had to face. In the words of the late writer Albert Murray used to say when referring to our complex cultural legacy, “reject the folklore of white supremacy and the fakelore of Black pathology.”
Important Black women activists in history
From the origins of anti-rape activism in the U.S, and important Black women activists in the United States who championed gender equity to one of the most widely recognized…